Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 10:: P2 Final PNGs

Final design/Images of 'Trinesta', for 'Character Design #1

Final Reference Sheet:

Flat Color:


Expression Sheets:

Flat Color:

Character Biography Information:

Full Name: Trinesta Avery
Pronunciation of their name(first, last, middle if appliable): Trin-ess-tah  Ay-ver-ee
Title(Mr./Mrs./Lord/Lady/Sir/): n/a, but 'Ms' would be appropriate
Nickname(s): Trin, Avery, Trinity

Race/species: Human(-ish)
Age(and how old they look): 13-14 (looks about 14-15)
Mental age: 20 (essentially young but wise)
Orientation/Sexual preference: Straight
Height: 5'1
102 lbs

Eye color(s):
Contacts?: n/a
Glasses?: n/a

Face shape:
Describe their eyes:
large and expressive; her eyes show her emotions and are a key place to look if she's trying to hide something
Describe their nose: average size, somewhat flat
Describe their lips: average lips, a bit on the thin side
Ears(pointed, cat, etc.): wolf ears

Body build(slim, muscular, etc.):
Body abnormalities(Cleft lip etc.): n/a
Extra extremities(Another arm, tail, horns etc.):
occasional wolf tail, but she can hide this with her magic

Hair color(s):
Hair length: Long, down to her ankles
Hair style: varies; typically in a long ponytail or two

Skin/fur color(s):
Complexion: fair, peachy undertones
Patterns/designs(on skin/fur and where they are, such as a zebra stripe pattern): n/a
Scars: she has some residual scarring on her hands from teaching herself magic; she covers these with gloves most of the time
Birthmarks(and what they are/were):
Tattoos(what they are and where):
Piercings(what they are and where): n/a; she's scared of the idea of piercing her skin via unnatural means, such as the 'desire to have earrings'

Mental state:
Personality snapshot: bright, kind, friendly, trusting, curious, naive
Most prominent personality trait: very bright; has a quick mind and can solve problems quickly
Best traits of their personality: smart, curious, friendly
Worst traits of their personality: naive due to her age, too trusting in most cases, a bit of air-headdedness, overly friendly in dangerous situations

Current faith(religion):
Current superstitions/quirks:
n/a (may change later on)

Alignment(good, evil, etc.)

Marital status(Single, married, dating, etc.):

n/a; lives alone in a secluded area & forages for herself

Abilities(As in powers):
moderate magic abilities
Special skills(Not meaning powers): very acrobatic; can climb well
Hobbies: practicing her magic, gathering & cooking

Project Synopsis:

 Overall the project was much more time consuming than I gave it credit for. I'm pleased with the outcome, since the character herself looks great and I believe is fairly balanced in terms of personality. For the next character, I need to find ways to streamline the time it takes to develop, since I end up doing most of the work on my home machine where I have access to my other art program. I need to find ways to use my time in class better, when I only have access to photoshop. Perhaps that means lining & basing the images in PS. Either way, the project was time consuming but I think the outcome makes it worth it.

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